Monday, 26 November 2012

Rubbish box

                                 Hello Again!

The task that i was given this time was to create a photo-realistic rubbish box that will be used in a 3rd person game, and it's not just any photo realistic rubbish box it's one that was issued to me as a brief by the leamington spa Games developers Blitz games.

In this task i had to create a photo realistic box which contained a rubbish bag  (rubbish box). 

The constraints in this task were to have the box and all the included geometry in, at 500 tris or close; But not over.
Also i had a constraint of 1: 1025x1025 diffuse texture map; meaning that no other maps could be used on this particular project. eg normal maps/opacity maps.....

So for photorealistic you obviously need photo's of your reference imagery, the college shop people kindly lent some of the empty boxes, bits and bobs so pictures were taken especially for reference imagery and also to be used on my diffuse texture map.



So here is my totals, leaving me with 28 spare triangles on my trash box and contents.

Although i am in my budget it would have been nicer to have taken advantage of those last 28 triangles, but i just couldn't find a place for them to fit as i was happy with my results.

As i unwrapped my geometry it looked like this. why ? well i find things easier to unwrap and texture when they all have their own individual space/ place in 3dsmax.

When i was unwrapping i took everything out of the checked box so that when it comes to scaling them and placing them nicely in the box i  wouldn't have individually select every face that was overlapping other faces again.

Thus making the process a little less time consuming.

This UVW texture Unwrap map is my template for my final texture, this is how i know where the edges on my geometry are so i can match them up (almost) seamlessly for my end render.

My Texture map complete with the Brands modified so that if needs be the box can be used. ( even though there a probably more things i would have to consider before using the box in a game)

These are my final box renders. ( used a skylight for light shadowing)

Thanks for taking the time to look at my post.

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